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A bronze cast of a rabbit sculpture, created by Helen Hooker as a child.
Helen Hooker O'Malley, posing next to one of her sculptures
Helen Hooker standing next to her sculpture titled "Fawn." This sculpture will be present in the physical exhibit in the Seward Room.
Mother holding her young daughter with a sling on her back.
Water color of Russian Orthodox cathedral during Helen's trip to the soviet union.
An ancient stone carving of a man's head, Kilteel, County Kidare
A watercolor of the outside of the Hooker Chemical Company factory in Niagara Falls.
Photograph of Ernie O'Malley in the Irish Countryside
Portrait of fisherman, John Gallagher, Clare Island, County Mayo
Sign for "O'Malley's Galley" at the Hooker Chemical Plant
A web image from of a side-by-side bust of Ernie O'Malley and a photograph of Helen Hooker O'Malley.