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John A. Williams addresses the 2003 graduating class at the University of Rochester.
Screenshot of original Writings of Consequence: The Art of John A. Williams, digital exhibit
"WE PALS," comic strip by Morrie Turner (1992).
"TWO ON THE AISLE - MORE OR LESS," Review, Vol. 5 (1983). Edited by James O. Hoge and James L. W. West III. University Press of Virginia,…
"JOHN A. WILLIAMS: AGENT PROVOCATEUR," Black Creation, First Anniversary Edition (Summer 1971).
"AN INTERVIEW WITH JOHN A. WILLIAMS," by Dennis A. Williams, Forkroads (Winter 1995).
John and Lori Williams in Huntington, N.Y. (1983?).
Promotional shots in his office at Rutgers University, 1982.
Williams at his desk, Teaneck, N.J. 1977.
Williams at Sarah Lawrence College, 1973.
Williams and wife, Lori, at Carnegie Center, 1972.
Williams with sons Adam, Greg, and Dennis. Worcester, N.Y., 1968.
Program from a luncheon where Williams was honored with the "President's Preservation Award," 6 October 2001.
"Citation accompanying the awarding of the degree," Syracuse University, 14 May 1995.
Honorary degree, Syracuse University, Doctor of Letters, 14 May 1995.
Bust of Williams by James Reed, 6 September 1988. A reproduction of the bust was used for the Safari West jacket art.
MULLER, Gilbert H. John A. Williams. Boston: Twayne Publishers (1984). First edition.
CASH, Earl A. John A. Williams: The Evolution of a Black Writer. New York: The Third Press (1975). First edition, in dust jacket.
Contact sheet (clipped) of five original photographs of Williams with his son Adam, Teaneck, N.J. (1975).
Williams with sons Dennis and Gregory. (1957?)
"SLUGGERS." Photograph of sons Dennis and Gregory. Syracuse, N.Y. 1952.
Photograph of the Williams family: (l-r) sister Ruth; father, John Henry; Williams; sister Helen; mother, Ola Mae. 830 S. McBride St., Syracuse, N.Y.…
Williams's mother, Ola. 1938.
Williams with his sister Lois. 1927.