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Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
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Buffalo June 23d 1844 Amy Post Esteemed friend I have not heard the least notice of the fair from the East from Rochester or Elsewhere not Even in the Standard but we are not Asleep here I have just returned from the country and the people are Wide Awake there and are getting ready for the fair we shall meet with Beter [sic] Success here than we antisipated [sic]. one person Alone is making A Cake worth proberly [sic] 20 Dollors [sic] which will be presented to the fair. I have Engaged the Liberty Hall to hold the fair in. I hope you will write as soon as you Recieve [sic] this. Let us know whether you have given up the fair or not. I wrote to utica as soon as I Returned home. but have recieved [sic] no answer. I am with Respect your obedient servent [sic] W. W. Brown
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BUFFALO JUN PAID 24 N.Y. Mrs. Amy Post Rochester N.Y. (Care of I. Post)
[Stamp:] “If liberty of speech and of the press cannot co- exist with slavery, which of them is best worth preserving?” – E.G. Loring.
Brown, William Wells, “Brown, William Wells. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.,” RBSCP Exhibits, accessed March 16, 2025,