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Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
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Salem Ohio Sept 3d ^1844^ Amy Post Esteemed friend. I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am in good health and I hope that those few lines may find you in the same state of health. I am here holding meetings. A disease in my Eyes have prevented me from traveling and from holding meetings for some time back, but I am now so that I can travel, though I think I shall be compelled to return to the East, before I anticipated, for the perpose [sic] of having an opporation [sic] on my eyes, as I am unwilling to let any of the Western doctors work with them. This is A fine field for labour and there are some good friends to the cause here but I do not like these Western abolitionist as well as I do the friends in the East especially in the Western N. York here they are not willing to make sacrifices as they are in the East. What I mean by that, is, they are not willing to cary [sic] out their anti slavery principles upon all occa- sions. on last first day I Walked to meeting with Mrs. Kirk and it offended every one in the vilage [sic] even abolitionists Were offended at it. the abolitionists here are all third party, and when they have voted they think that they done their duty as aboli- tionists please give my Respects to Isaac, and to all the friends I should like very much to hear from some of the Rochester friends. I will send you A paper with my meetings advertised in it and if any one wish to write to me they will know where to write to yours for the slave W. W. Brown.
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P.S. Paper scarce in this country and course at that. Weak eyes prevents me from writing more W.W.B –
Brown, William Wells, “Brown, William Wells. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.,” RBSCP Exhibits, accessed March 16, 2025,