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4th day Morn
My dear Isaac & Amy
Altho’ I have not much to communicate
yet I felt best satisfied to embrace so good an opportunity
to scibble [sic] a few lines by way of affectionate remembrance
for I often feel you very near to my best feelings and should
be glad to visit you this summer was it not for the distance
should be glad to see you here at any time, at least at my
new home at Brooklyn where it is most probable I shall
call home but perhaps shall be at Jericho some this summer.
My health is much improved since being at Po’keepsie was
there near seven weeks was glad thee sent my Interest I
have since receiving it paid the Doctor’s bill off
Thomas & Phebe had not time to make us a visit so
we went up to D.K to see them I was very glad to
see them to hear many particulars among the rest they inform
-ed about your new home I had not heard where your new
home was, I approve the Change you have made by what
I hear tho’ they did not know as to the house & situation
I have always prefered [sic] the country to the city but hope
to like it better than I used to Lydia says she likes it
better than she expected James expects to build this season
P H Hallowell told me on Brooklyn hights [sic] but I fear it will
be a cold place in winter, We expected Phebe Haviland up
to go down with me next sixth day night Samuel Baright
went for her at the landing yesterday morn but she was not
there but shall look for some of them to day I understood by
Phebe that Edmund P was on Long Island so he can give you a
history of events passing there much better than I can that is when
he returns and so it is Edmund is about changing his situation too
I wonder it dont stir up Samuel to be about the same business
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he is such a steady youth it ought to be a very nice
girl for him but perhaps one can be found among the
many I think there is some nice girls that might make
him a suitable companion, Does not Sarah expect to visit
Long Island this summer I should be very glad to see her
give my love affectionately to her also W & Mary should be
pleased to see them also, it is now nearly Meeting time
shall be under the necessity of sending some blank paper which
I should like to fill had I time but Elijah wishes to take
it to the office when he goes to Mg so conclude in much
love to all your family suppose Jacob & Joseph has grown
very much since I saw them
Affectionately yours P H Carpenter
[obliterated] are so dim have not paid any attention to them and have
written in haste
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18 ¾
Isaac Post
Monroe C