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Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
[Impression in upper left corner]
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Macedon 8th Mo 8t 1849
Dear Amy
I hasten to state to thee, the prospect of our
having a fair, after makeing [sic] some investigation in the
subject. I first consulted E Smith and the family who are
very willing to assist, I then called on Maria Wilbur who went
with me to Macedon Village where we found a very pleasant ball
room which we think will answer our purpose the keeper of
the house says he is favorable to the course, and if we are
the means of bringing custom to him, he will not charge
us any thing, if not he ^will^ want about two dallars [sic] which
we think reasonable, as we have the priviledge [sic] of a room
near it and of boiling coffee and whatever articles they have.
his wife also seems very pleasant and kind, we then went
to all the houses we had time to go to, and recieved [sic] pro-
mises of cake sufficient to warrent [sic] us in having a Fair
whether we [well?] or not, but nothing like trying, I think
it best to have Lemonade & ice cream, Maria fears
ice cream will be unhealthy, perhaps you can obtain
something, from those who are not associated with us in
fairs, that will add ^to^ the appearance of the tables, I think
a few newly made crackers, and candies, could be obtained
cheaper in Rochester than here, but expect to try at Palm^yra^
(Page 2)
to get all donated we can, we should be glad to have
the advertisement sent out as soon as possible that
we may send them in different directions, we would
like to send some to Walworth and Victor as early
as first day, or sooner, Elias wishes me to say he will
be at Rochester on sixth day morning, as it will be necessa
ry for him to be here to assist us seventh day morning
and we should be glad to have all to come out that
can, being anxious to send this ^to^ the office as soon as possible
I must close with continued regard for all and much
anxiety in our success
S R Doty
Doty, Susan R, “Doty, Susan R. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.,” RBSCP Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,