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Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
[June 28, 1852]
[Isaac Post]
East Green June 28 / 52
My Dear Friend
Isaac Post. You will consider me calpable yet I am constrained to ask your pardon for neglecting to fulfill my promise.
When your open and very generous heart, apan the top of numerous other _________. assisted me with this many, I should have felt grieved had I suspected my inability to have immediately retrieved it as I said I should; But circamstances have combined to disappoint me in a measure. We are getting somewhat selected now. My practice is commencing with moderation yet with success. My first case was the fragments of a broken constitution a _____ to old iron headed Alopathy - I found her with a very bad seated cough with no appetite and a great _____of the nervous system. I rested her three times. she says she has not been so well for several months. My 2d was another, ______of humanity. I found her with a bad state of the ____organs, a _______depieaty of years standing, coniplirated with a bad form of Piles accompanied with obstinate ____, bloody discharges &c My visit the 2d time found her sitting up and enjoying a rapped concolicence.
I mention this not out of feelings of self _____, but I must say I am disappointed with my ____success. But time forbids for this comment.
Enclosed I send you $3. for which my dear friend I feel most grateful. and last time is not for distant when I shall have the pleasure of returning your many kindnesses to Betsey and myself.
Yours affectionately Ansla F Bowen
[Ansla F Bowen]
P S Our love to friends. &c
Bowen, Ansla F, “Bowen, Ansla F. Letter to Isaac Post.,” RBSCP Exhibits, accessed March 7, 2025,