Tumulty, Lawrence. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
San Francisco
January the 13 1854
Most [illegible] Mrs.
Amy Post as nature
opperates on the human
[Minde?] I feel dispo-
sed to write you a few
lines to let you ^thee^ know
I do not forget thee and
thine all tho the dis-
tance is fare and
wide between us fond
recollections of the past
with the hope of the [illegible]
of Seeing you all once
moreTumulty, Lawrence. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
when wi I may be abl
to give you
sum satisfactory
account of this golden
Country an the differ-
ent sorts of peopl
who inhabit it and all
the other strange occur-
rences that are taken
place I hope the time
is not far distant I
will be able to visit you all
my patron or master has
givin me 25 dollars in
gold for a new years
present and gave me
a new over-coat at Cri-
stmas; he is one of the
[hapies?] men in thisTumulty, Lawrence. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
world he is as
one of the litt-
le children
mentioned in
the scripture I am
quite hapy never was
more so I confess my past
ingratitud for not writing
befor this to thee however
I know you will pardon
me for not doing So as I
am so poor a writer and
further my deficiency in
diction I expose all
my folly and [illegible]
in my letters to Jacob
becaus I know he is par-
tial to me the winter
up to this time has been
delightful with verey
little rain
[Top margin note, going down:]
I am going to write to [illegible] tomorrow night
[Marginal note, starting on left, going up:]
Jane is well
and wants her
love Sent
to you all
She never was a day
sickTumulty, Lawrence. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
or wind the flowers are
blooming as if it was
the month of June and
all things ar as green as
the are in [Savila?] I think
the climate here is one
of the most helthy in the
world I hope you have
a favorable winter there
please to remember me
to your parents and to
Mr and Mrs Hallowell and
to Mr and Mrs Willis too
Mr Post Joseph. I think
he he has arived at the
age of manhood and I ho-
pe he will be a boy no
longer I must conclude
by sending my [love?] to
all Pleas excuse my
poor writing good night
your humble Servant
Lawrence Tumulty
[upside down writing: pleas write me Soon]