Spirit Writing. Letter to Isaac Post.
Thee was desirous of hearing from some
of us this afternoon we can speak for
ourselves who does thee wish to hear from
from this I am ready to commence with
this daily and do we not do it (?)and
now [sic] who else will the(e?) like to hear
from My Father and my Mother
they are with us please ask questions
do you take especial interest in our
temperal [sic] affairs We do -- do you see
my creditors are nearly settled
with you (?) and have had (?) to do with
settlements thus do you think I can
get through soon yes in the course
of a few weeks Do you see how
much we shall have to pay him
no but we see he is tired of
waiting had we best employ a
Lawyer no but if the Lawyer
on his own accord he should be
paid. In regard to the oil busi --
ness you had better take cash(?)
in the no (crossed out illegible) We told thee
so 6 & 7 will be a good well but
no better than his honor
talk with Amy about it &
see what she may say to it
Now about GW give not
up do not despair but rest
quiet you cannot hury (?)
but wait times and seasonsSpirit Writing. Letter to Isaac Post.
In regards Friend Wilson he
has a peculier [sic] mission he
sometimes and then he
exhibits a certain cour__(?)
that shows that in some
time of his life he has as-
sociated with course company
which it is hopefull [sic] will
where (?) off and the gentler
emotion and holier exp-
eriences lead (?) him out of
but he is doing great good
now let us say to this
we live there and watch over
thou for thy good for our good
and the good of others both
Spirits and (????) we desire
to know the released from the
cares that now occupy the
least we do not wish the to
give over business but more
for the good of man we wish
thee do (as thy circumstances
chances (?) for others with some
assistance may find opportuni-
ties to better their whole sur-
roundings etc etc JP (?)
Aug 6 n 1868