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Post, Joseph. Letter to Isaac Post.

Westbury 12 mo 6 - 1869
Dear Brother & Sister
             Parish and Mary left us this morn=
ing after making us a short but very
pleasant visit in a snow storm not
but little ^ snow ^ on the ground but cold and
teageous [sic] day with hail and rain. Two
weeks ago we concluded to to [sic] Philadelphia
and attend the State Antislavery meeting
and make some visits. we stoped [sic] a [sic] Bristol
and staid [sic] ^a^ night with Cyrus Pearse and family
very pleasent [sic] with them in the morning
in a very hard rain strorm [sic] went on to the
meeting which was a very interesting one
C C Burleigh was their [sic] I think I never
herd [sic] him more interesting some speakers
was their [sic] as is common at such meetings
who wanted the Antislavery standard to
take up working mens [sic] cause and other
reforms  C.C. B was favoured to answer
them so planly [sic] and so to the point as I
believe to satisfy every one

Post, Joseph. Letter to Isaac Post.