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11th mo 9th 1826
Dear Brother & Sister
I have been so unaccustomed to
writing lately that I feel at a loss how to begin, during
this summer we have heard very little from you in the
letter way which is to me rather more pleasant than
verbal information, (however it ^is^ agreeable to have both)
My health has been very much this summer ^and^ fall as it
was when you lived on Long Island but sister P has
had a very trying time of confinement with Catharine
on the account of her soar [sic] eyes they have been much
better but are now quite ^bad^ again I believe P thinks occasione^d^
by taking cold, Father goes crimping about with corns
on the bottoms of his feet Mother appears to be as well
as usuall, [sic] I have rejoyced [sic] for a few weeks past that
fathers and mothers’ ideas respecting Dear Elias Hicks
are much more favourable than when I wrote last
and I thought yesterday increasingly so He spok [sic] as
[we]ll as I ever heard him at the funeral of Margaret
[To?]wnsend & Mary Hicks, but ^when^ Daniel Titus was buried Sam
uel [Gossons?] began in a [sic] about five minute [sic] after the
meeting gathered to innumerate [sic] the [merriting?] of the
deceased and every one that I ^have heard^ express any thing about it
was extreemly [sic] weary with it except aunt Sarah
Fathers [sic] extremely exalted opinion of D T induces him to believe
it was very different from what the deceased would haved [sic]
desired Some have been ready to believe that he designed
his testimony should take the whole time in order to
prevent Elias speaking, he bore it all with a very patient
and composed countenance and soon gave his hand
after S G ended his communication from accounts
he maid [sic] a peaceful end, I can scarcely make you
scenceable [sic] if you have not felt someting [sic] of the same on
hearing of cousin Annas [sic] death how every feeling and
circumstance respecting her disolution [sic] seemed to corob
orate [sic] with what was publicly expressed, Be ye also
ready have your lamps filled trimmed and burning
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as her’s [sic] was found to be by those who visitted [sic] and attend [sic]
her during her short sickness I think by what I have
seen and heard cousin Amos is remarkably supported
Charles and Willet have been sevral [sic] weeks on the Island
they are now about fiscing [finishing?] off now time will not admit
of much more, pleas [sic] give my love to John Searing &
family and tell cousin Hannah if you think it best
that I wish she could persuad [sic] her Jerich[o] friends to give
up their strange notions which causes them to feel
bound to declare that they have not unity with some
of the wisest and best of friend [sic] if they continue to persist I
believe the most searious [sic] time ^is^ approaching that ever we
had any knowledg [sic] of among friends the select Quarterly
Meeting held eight hours from ten to six o clock
From your Sister who fells [sic] a deeper interest than I am
cappable [sic] of expressing in your wellfare [sic] Lydia Rushmore
To Isaac and Hannah Post
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[Address in center of page, running upward]
Isaac Post
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[M. B. 2/15/2018]