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Kirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

Jericho 4th month 4th 1831

My Dear Children
As I often have reflected on the length of time scins [sic]
we have heard from you, also remmembered [sic] it was rather longer, that I had
not sent a paper messenger of our continued love to you. dear Amy when
thou rote [sic] last thou mentiond [sic] its being very sickly around you with the
scarlet rash or fever, as its [sic] termd [sic] here, which prevails very much the
lower part of Bethpague [sic] & on the South side of the iland [sic] a number of
deaths. One of Benjamin Motts Sones [sic] ^at Bthpague [sic] ^ a father of 9 children^
one a few days old
removed, by death – when Phebe Meritt visited his family, they were all seated
the father at the head, and the little children in a row according to age
she said she thought what a beautifull [sic] sight it was, the afflicted widow
has but scanty means for the support of her family Phebe Merritt
has completed her aurdous [sic] visit the fourpart [sic] of 3rd month, her Husband
accompanied her mostly, after they returned home he was taken with
raised blood was quite poorly, but now we here [sic] he is bravely again
they made a very general visit to friends and many others that were not
John and MWW went to a number of places with them, to Jacob Jacksons
a very tendering time, broke Jacob down much, Lewisis [sic] Hewlet [?] Sone [sic] Charles
decesed [sic] last weake [sic], after a lingren [sic] consumtion [sic] we here [sic]
he was much resigned
no wish to recover, been sick all winter, We have parted with our
kind neighbours Smith & M Mott and have William & Anna back a gain [sic]
as they have Sold that very pleasant situation to Efram Hauschurst [?] for 7 hundred
[& 05] dollars less than they gave, and this place is still for sale they say. W speaks
very pleasant to us have not had the sight of the queen yet as she once calld [sic]
herself, --- you can hardly immagin [sic] the many changes, of families in
Jericho – and its subberbs [sic] William back again, Joseph & Mary Hubbs bough^t^
and moved in to Thomas Dorcy [?] place -- Thomas at Norwich – Peter to Coald [sic] Spring
William P. Wright sold out to David Nostrand – Sone [sic] W P W^right^ wants to get in Jeri-
cho to settle his business, has applied for dear Cousin Elias Hicksie [sic] –
Amos Willets and Joshua has applied for that, too, which will take it
I dont [sic] now [know?] I expect you have heard that Robert and Sarah R Seaman
have hired a Store and house in New Y in partnership with Steven
Downing, I hope they will sucksceed [sic] better than is perdicted [sic], they
do not have much encourage [sic] from their friend [s?] on either side
they each have had publick [sic] sales of their goods, it is quite a tryal [sic]
to us to part with Robert & Sarah – ah and Elizabeth too, they seame [sic]
to bid fare [sic] to be usefull [sic] in society, and in the neighbourhood at large
Think they will be misst [sic] much more than U. and Abigail as they are
so frequently gone -- Its [sic] the calculation that they too will soon
leave as Elias is expected soon to compleat [sic] his education, of course
we cant [sic] expect him to be a farmer, he must go to the city too
well then, they cant [sic] trust him their [sic], they must go too, so it looks
likely the name of the Hickes [sic] will be gone from us. I believe
Abigail has not been to meeting more than [3?] times this winter, has been
complaing [sic], but went to Brooklen [sic], then was more poorly

Kirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.