Kirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
Jericho 4th month 4th 1831
My Dear Children
As I often have reflected on the length of time scins [sic]
we have heard from you, also remmembered [sic] it was rather longer, that I had
not sent a paper messenger of our continued love to you. dear Amy when
thou rote [sic] last thou mentiond [sic] its being very sickly around you with the
scarlet rash or fever, as its [sic] termd [sic] here, which prevails very much the
lower part of Bethpague [sic] & on the South side of the iland [sic] a number of
deaths. One of Benjamin Motts Sones [sic] ^at Bthpague [sic] ^ a father of 9 children^
one a few days old
removed, by death – when Phebe Meritt visited his family, they were all seated
the father at the head, and the little children in a row according to age
she said she thought what a beautifull [sic] sight it was, the afflicted widow
has but scanty means for the support of her family Phebe Merritt
has completed her aurdous [sic] visit the fourpart [sic] of 3rd month, her Husband
accompanied her mostly, after they returned home he was taken with
raised blood was quite poorly, but now we here [sic] he is bravely again
they made a very general visit to friends and many others that were not
John and MWW went to a number of places with them, to Jacob Jacksons
a very tendering time, broke Jacob down much, Lewisis [sic] Hewlet [?] Sone [sic] Charles
decesed [sic] last weake [sic], after a lingren [sic] consumtion [sic] we here [sic]
he was much resigned
no wish to recover, been sick all winter, We have parted with our
kind neighbours Smith & M Mott and have William & Anna back a gain [sic]
as they have Sold that very pleasant situation to Efram Hauschurst [?] for 7 hundred
[& 05] dollars less than they gave, and this place is still for sale they say. W speaks
very pleasant to us have not had the sight of the queen yet as she once calld [sic]
herself, --- you can hardly immagin [sic] the many changes, of families in
Jericho – and its subberbs [sic] William back again, Joseph & Mary Hubbs bough^t^
and moved in to Thomas Dorcy [?] place -- Thomas at Norwich – Peter to Coald [sic] Spring
William P. Wright sold out to David Nostrand – Sone [sic] W P W^right^ wants to get in Jeri-
cho to settle his business, has applied for dear Cousin Elias Hicksie [sic] –
Amos Willets and Joshua has applied for that, too, which will take it
I dont [sic] now [know?] I expect you have heard that Robert and Sarah R Seaman
have hired a Store and house in New Y in partnership with Steven
Downing, I hope they will sucksceed [sic] better than is perdicted [sic], they
do not have much encourage [sic] from their friend [s?] on either side
they each have had publick [sic] sales of their goods, it is quite a tryal [sic]
to us to part with Robert & Sarah – ah and Elizabeth too, they seame [sic]
to bid fare [sic] to be usefull [sic] in society, and in the neighbourhood at large
Think they will be misst [sic] much more than U. and Abigail as they are
so frequently gone -- Its [sic] the calculation that they too will soon
leave as Elias is expected soon to compleat [sic] his education, of course
we cant [sic] expect him to be a farmer, he must go to the city too
well then, they cant [sic] trust him their [sic], they must go too, so it looks
likely the name of the Hickes [sic] will be gone from us. I believe
Abigail has not been to meeting more than [3?] times this winter, has been
complaing [sic], but went to Brooklen [sic], then was more poorlyKirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
but P had Dr Churman [?] to attend her his medicin [sic] did not have the
desired effect, so she was quite ill a little while, but she has
got home again. Phebe Underhill is so opposed to Dr. Seaman
that he was not calld, [sic] she is much opposed to Carolines [sic] choice
but she don’t [sic] appear to mind it if she can only get the little Dr
we have had a long time of n^u^sing [nursing?] Sister Phebe I think it appeard [sic] like
the Rumatisam [sic] in the hip and so down in the knee. the four [sic] part
of the time
she was very lame it was with difficuly [sic] she got out of her room
not such hard pain, but exceeding soar [sic] some swelld [sic], last 5 day she
went to brother Davids [sic] for the first of her geting [sic] out. has now got pertty [sic]
comfortable, tho some lame yet, I believe Sarah L Kirby has been
very closly [sic] confind [sic] with her Aunt, has been the nurse, and did it cheerfully
has not had to be up nights but a little, which was a great favour
to them both. I think my Mother is remarkably favourd [sic] with health
I think she has not been so amiss as to lay down only once this winter a
little while with the head ache, tho her foot has been soar [sic], and clumsy
P Merritt spoke very comfortably to her – thought he had but little while
to stay, and but little to do, but sit and wait, and that there was a crown
of rightness laid up for her, a desire seams [sic] to pervade my mind
that Phebes [sic] labours will not be ^all^ lost
Cousin P Downing has made us a very pleasant visit a week past – she
remains interesting company enquired after you with affectionate reguard [sic]
Theodocia Downing has been laid up with the inflamatory [sic]
rumatisam [sic] all
winter, is now better – So is Charles Hubbs been out once, David is
said to be rather gaining too Sarah Warwicks [?] comenced [sic] her second
quarter gives satisfaction I believe, Sarah talks of wanting to go –
dont [sic] know that I can spare her till [sic] we see our welcom [sic] Elizabeth
on the hill, often when I cast my eye on the shubbery [sic] just buding [sic]
out, how it brings dear E. to mind – with the cheering prospect of
soon seeing her home. I believe there are many who will greet the [sic] with
a welcom, [sic] --- Cousin Molly Frost has moved to Stevan [sic] Motts, I here [sic]
of no disatisfacion [sic] at home. Only wanted to live with Sarah.
27 of the month my letter is so old it seams [sic] harly [sic] worth sending or reading
but I may inform the [sic] we have Isaac company a little while it was
very pleasent [sic], after the reception of Elizabeth’s I felt much for
thee respecting thy breast, but Isaac seams [sic] to make it much
easer [sic] ^he^ I thinks it occasiond [sic] by being from Joseph too long, but be
as it may I desire thee to be carefull [sic] try to be careful not
put thyself in danger taking cold. I feel much for the [sic] on being
left so long without Isaac, much care must fall on the [sic]
had not he better be encouraged to narrow up his business
so as to be more in his home business, and with his familyKirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
my wish is for your well [doing?], this I believe thou will admi^t^
Isaac mentioned Mary’s coming here to go to school, thy father thinks
she had best to come, I told Isaac at preasent [sic] we had a good school
Sarah Weeks but it was uncertain how long she might continue
but if you thought best, we would endeavour to do the best we
could with her, the prospect seams [sic] pleasant [sic] to Sarah – I feel my
self like most too old a Woman to nurture to dear little girle [sic]
as she ought to be, - Its [sic] not worthwhile to send her to Tomys – if
Anna is the teacher, Mother & I calld [sic] in to see cousin Anne
W W She was very pleasent [sic] but gave us no invitation to call
again, so of course we think it best not too [sic] till [sic] we
have ours returnd [sic], perhaps four weeks ago sister P went to bro
ther Davids, [sic] since which her hip has geatherd [sic] and broke right on
the [top?] of the hip. Dr [sic] Carl says he thinks it has been the seat of her
complaint it broke it self [sic] has not been painfull [sic] but very soar [sic]
discharged considerable at first, now but little. Sarah Weeks gone
their [sic] to board, she seams [sic] like a nice Woman. the children all love her
I believe, Abigale [sic] Jones remains quite feeble some days so as to have her
work a little in hand – then for weeks not, a very littel [sic] excusion [sic] brings
on a fever, her flesh is considerabl lessened I have not told thee
that John & Mary W set out to attend Philadelphia Y Mg got as far
as N York Mary not very smart when she left home, but when she
got their [sic] she was so poorly, had to give it out, left home on 6 day and returned
the next 3rd day they went to James C Herrod where they found Dr Seam[an?]
to attend her pain or soarness [sic] in side and great distress in her stomach
his medicin [sic] proved usefull [sic] to her, so that she gets out to meeting now
but not out to Mo or Qtly when they got in N Y they met with
Edward --- and Samuel on their return from Willmington [sic] --- James &
Phebe Haviland with Esther Seaman did attend the Y Mg say it was
large --- John & Phebe Merritt too Phebe told us at our Q Mg it was
a large Mg and much plainer than ours I here [sic] Isaac has heard
from the [sic], that the [sic] gets along perty [sic] well, which I was glad to here [sic]
perhaps thou will it not worth while [sic] for me to send the [sic] Isaac
T Hoppers [sic] letter worth ^rote^ so poorly I did intend to copped [sic] it over
but time will not now admit it was interesting to us was
my inducement he is expected home in abought [sic] a month
I here [sic] Isaac at Jericho so that I close in hast [sic] to send this
to him as he told me he expected to know of a privit [sic] opportuty [sic]
The [obliterated] boys say Dr and Caroline is coming forward this month
we are in health as and remain affectionally [sic] thy Mother
Jericho 5 Mo 1stKirby, Mary. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
Amy Post at
Isaac Posts Cayuga County