Unknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.
Dear All
Westbury 12 [moth?] 9 [8?]/49
There has been but little communication between us lately
doubtless we have each been occupied in other ways too fully to leave much
time for writing this has been my case but I can say you have been
present with me in affectionate remembrance and today I intend giving
a practical demonstration of it by taking my pen[.] Cynthia and self
are both at home writing Joseph and girls have gone to meeting it
is a quiet rainy day just such an one as I used to love to go to meeti-
ng when I could listen to the music of the rain drops as they pattered
on the roof and window awaking feelings in my soul which no other
sounds ever inspired and many and sweet are the hallowed assoc
=iations which they still bring up before me allways beautiful
and pure but I did not think of putting on paper these reminiscen^ces^
of days long past when I said it was a rainy day Brother's letter on
mysterys was received and it is indeed strange yes passing strange
that the wise and prudent are unable to discover the cause I can
imagine your feelings during the investigation and can understand
the feeling expressed that if you are deceived you have the learning and
wisdom of Rochester with you I am glad of the public investigation which
has taken place and hope we shall one day be satisfied as to its
origin whether it be indeed what it professes or whether it be from some
other source I would be very glad to witness some of the experiments
we perceive EW Capron and G Willet have published in the [Tribune?]
an account of it and it may be preparatory to its appearance
in these parts let that be as it may I keep a listening ear to
knocks and raps but as yet hear nothing unusual ---- but serio-
=usly it seems imposible to be deception and yet I am not prepared
to receive it as spiritual manifestation for several reasonsUnknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.
but enough for the present we will wait further inteligence
Evening The afternoon has been taken up in reading the Liberator and
Standard and in conversing with Uncle James and Oliver Titus uncle
is still here and talking in his usual stile which almost precludes
the possibility of writing inteligently Since we last wrote we
have become acquainted with our new sister Dorinda and as far
as our acquaintance extends we see nothing to regret the relat-
=ionship they were married by the Mayor on third day afternoon
the 27 inst and came up the same afternoon to fathers where we
were assembled to receive them they after visited us all at our
homes and returned to New York on the second day following
We have had a visit from Restore and Rhoda Lamb she wished
to come for old acquaintance sake but it was evident she felt
ill at ease while with us she preached [with?] ^to^ us in the evening but
had not the courage to reprove or censure but spoke of the necess^ity^
of walking in the light and becoming examples to our family
and those around us but at meeting she felt stronger and con
demned the lecturers and doing things in our own will's &c, &c.
it is really curious to see the change which has taken place
in the minds of the dominant party in relation to her
Hannah Underhill was buried last week been poorly a long time
James Baldwin today was out less than a week ago at work
David Valentine too is gone and tomorrow a child of [H?] Albertson
so every few days some one is called home the circumstance
should incite all of us to be ready to enter with joy upon the
higher life in store for all who live in obedience to the laws
of our being - What a painful circumstance in relation
to [Dr?] Webster Oh how I wish it could be cleared up how dread
ful his family must feel they surely need the sympathy of
all who can feel and to aid them to bear their great affliction
Unknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.
Father Matthew appears to be loosing[sic] his good name with all [classes?]
I hope he will see his error and be noble enough to condemn it
and by a better and more faithful life retrieve his great error
how true it is that one false step paves the way for others and
the forsaking principle for expediency is followed by disappointment
We perceive Frederick is away and I have felt a hope he could spare
a short time to visit us our island is a hard place to labor and
we see but small advancement therefore cannot hold out any inducem
=ent except the great need there is of enlightenment Stephen and Abby
say they think slavery can be done away with without the help of Long Island
but we would like to have some social visits from the true hearted if
there is no hope of regenerating the sentiment around us but it seems
to me if the same labor had been bestowed as in some other places
it would have been very different from the present apathetic state
What has become of William and Mary we do not hear any thing
from them I wish they would feel like making us a visit this winter
please give our love to them with the invitation to visit at their earliest
convenience --- What does William think of [matters?] and things as they
go rapping about does he ever listen to the noises? How I wish we could
all be together awhile and say the many things which each feels [ ]
--onging up to ˆtheirˆ very lips for utterance it is really too bad to live so far
[away? ] when every feeling of the heart rebels against such a separation
I will now lay this aside as my eyes admonish me from further scribling
so good night and may the guardian angel of Gods holy presence encircle
you all with blessings Third day morning here this is yet and unfinished
since I wrote the above a great change has has[sic] come over the face of nature
then it wore a brown and withered aspect now all is glittering white
and pure as aught on earth can be but here comes Joseph and says
he is going to the store and so I must say farewell
do write soon I would like to write more
Unknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.
10 ₵
December 10th
Isaac Post
New York