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Unknown writer. Letter to unknown recipient.

[Fleming?] January 5, 1922
Dear Sister Josie,
                        I first want to congratulate
you upon attaining another birth-day, and,
at last, a sensible age, when you would
naturally commence to give up the childish
folly of playing with dolls, climbing rail
fences and trees, running about the fields with
wheelbarrows.  [?] and I really hope to hear
that you have, but-of course, have doubts,
for, you was always so slow -----.
Have had Eddie Brown up here at-times this
Fall doing up some very necessary work, and
at least got a tight little woodshed, or
storm house outside of our back door again,
where the old one, that Millet and Charlie
Fisher built for mother and Sister Laura,
so long ago, had nearly fallen down. ------
I have just heard that Charley Fisher who
has been at Jessie [Yawger's?] all of last summer,
and so far, this winter, went back to Cora
Myer’s at A, yesterday, as Jessie burns

Unknown writer. Letter to unknown recipient.