Wheeler, Ruden. Letter to Josephine W Post.
Fleming, N.Y. September 15/22
Dear Josie.
Only this morning did we hear of your
very severe accident. You have met with a great mis-
fortune and I wish that there was some ^way^ to help you
out of it, in some easy way, for I fear that the enforced
quiet which these casts impose on ^you^ at least a
portion of your body will be a trial. But, I hope that
you will, eventually come out of it as solid, in one arm
as the other, so that when I see you again, you can beat
me around, with ^either^ hand as cruelly as ever, even though, I
do have to suffer for it. After such a fall, I cannot but
think how much worse it might have been. To me, the task
of growing old seems hard enough, without any misfortunes
like yours, added, to make it worse. Had been in hopes
of seeing you down here soon, but, now it looks different.
We are not having a picnic here, as yet. Georgie is
dragging around, far from strong, with her cough
bad yet. Roxie has been down stairs, for a time,
for the last 3 days; to-day for quite a long time,
but cannot get up any appetite, and, so, ofWheeler, Ruden. Letter to Josephine W Post.
course does not gain strength. This trouble of getting
back an appetite, is one of the peculiarities of
the disease. LaVerne, though, is getting back to normal
again as and is putting on lots of walking
stunts, for the last day or two. -This sickness and the
continued rains has made it very hard for Charley, and
puts him back, badly, with his work, and help almost impossible to get for either, in, or, out of the house,
and should you chance to get one, they are apt to want more
waiting upon than they are worth. —Charley Fisher is down
here to Jessie’s, and it looks as if he was going to stay
there all winter. He leads a lonely life with his deafness. and consequent lack of association with others. I told him
the other day that, though it was a hard job growing old, it
was also a mighty mean one to die, for that stunt made so
much bother for others to bury you, So, what the devil, can
a poor old mortal do to satisfy all. ———
Well Peggy, I will quit, hoping to hear good news of you.
With love,
Ruden.Wheeler, Ruden. Letter to Josephine W Post.
R.E. Wheeler.
Union Springs.
SEP 16
6 PM
Mrs. Josephine W. Post
Sea Breeze.
Monroe Co.