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Wheeler, Ruden. Letter to Josephine W Post.

Union Springs, N.Y. Dec. 23/25
Dear Josie,
            I was much surprised at Belle's
sending me such a message as she did in
your last, i.e. could’nt-think anything”
“mean enough to say to me.” After my efforts
in trying to instruct her in the proper
way of stamping any mail that she wished
wished “Uncle Sam” to carry for her.  I meant
also, to have told her, never, to use stamps,
that had been steamed off from old letters,
or in fact any that had been previously
canceled: always a new one.  It really seems
a thankless task, to try and instruct the
uninformed.  The above applies to you both.
-------  The letter gave us later news from Ohio
than we had had. But a brief letter from
Clarence to Georgie, enclosing some Christ-
mas, for the kids, and received since, tells
us that “Bertram 2nd was born about 7.30 PM.

Wheeler, Ruden. Letter to Josephine W Post.