Letter from Henry T. Leslie to Abraham Lincoln, September 23, 1862
Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. Sepr 23. 1862
To the President of the Northern States of America Sir,
I should be glad to bring before your notice a new instrument for war, of which I am the inventor. I am prepared to show that its power is far beyond anything ever yet introduced in any country in the world, while its simplicity, portability, and adaptation to every kind of warfare will render it invaluable whenever it is adopted.
The work of a thousand men could be performed in places & positions where not more than from 30 to 50 could find room, an incessant & most destructive
Letter from Henry T. Leslie to Abraham Lincoln, September 23, 1862
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firing can be kept up and without a doubt at double the range of the best known rifles of the present day.
It is no speculative idea -- but one which at a glance can be seen to be thoroughly practical & Scientific.
I cannot here explain to you its nature, but I make you the first offer, ( never having as yet mentioned the nature of its principles to any one) with the full conviction that if your army possessed it, a few thousands of men would ac--complish in a very short time what 500,000 men would never be able to perform. This may appear like an exageration, but I can soon prove the truth of my statement. Afford me an opportunity of revealing this matter to you & your governt, and I will trust to your honor to reward me according to its merits. I may however be permitted to say that
Letter from Henry T. Leslie to Abraham Lincoln, September 23, 1862
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I should not like to give up my invention without some definite understanding, and I will not reveal it to any agents in this Country. If you think well of it, there will be no difficulty in bringing it -- under your notice, but no time should be lost.
Hoping to be favored with a reply, I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient Servant
Henry T. Leslie, Jr.
Letter from Henry T. Leslie to Abraham Lincoln, September 23, 1862
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H T Leslie Sep 23/62
P. S. My address is Dr H. T. Leslie Cockermouth Cumberland England
I do not wish this communication to be made public.