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Willis, Sarah L Kirby Hallowell. Letter to Isaac Post.

Revision as of Sep 24, 2023, 4:00:24 PM
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Revision as of Sep 24, 2023, 4:15:03 PM
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Don't know where
Don't know where
to find you but
to find you but
will direct to [Westbury?]
will direct to Westbury
love to all there and
love to all there and
[Willis?] and Mother too Sarah^
[Willis?] and Mother too Sarah^

Revision as of Sep 24, 2023, 4:15:03 PM

^to say it just as calmly and soberly as possible hoping to not spoil what I said [?] Perhaps you did not know that S Smiley made her home at Curtis's - does yet as far as I know - have not been out since this cold snap but you will know by my going to meeting so much that I am better Don't know where to find you but will direct to Westbury love to all there and [Willis?] and Mother too Sarah^

it might be our only chance of hearing a regular sermon from [?] we concluded to go _ [?] from our door. Alice William, Joseph Catherine [Edmund?] & I _ Mary persued her plan of going north having heard S Smiley the evening before, which we had not. Alice went to Williams for the afternoon. We can [?] though she is interested in friends and these meetings some [that?] she is not verry riggid/[?] [whole line illegible] said she went to hear Mr. Abbot while in Toldeo Edmuch had a pretty sick night first day night (vomiting) and rather poorly since but seems improving nicely today, slept well last night. guess he will be out soon as this storm is over. Harry is away in Penn/[?] vicinity. a very tedious time to be out as the wind still continues and some snow falling all the time