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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Rachel Foster Avery, January 20, 1887


Revision as of Oct 12, 2021, 6:51:42 PM
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Revision as of Oct 12, 2021, 6:55:36 PM
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My dear niece Rachel
My dear niece Rachel
My niece Lucy E. arrived safely this noon-and with Mrs Spofford & niece Mande - went directly to the little sculptor- Miss Johnson there to view the clay pile - built to represent
Aunt Susan & all

Revision as of Oct 12, 2021, 6:55:36 PM

Lucy E is perfectly in love with her cousins Julia and Rachel

The Briggs House Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1887.

My dear niece Rachel My niece Lucy E. arrived safely this noon-and with Mrs Spofford & niece Mande - went directly to the little sculptor- Miss Johnson there to view the clay pile - built to represent Aunt Susan & all