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Post, Mary Robbins. Letter to Isaac Post.
Revision as of Aug 29, 2023, 9:08:20 PM, edited by
but they might have expected some and felt disappointed EC Stanton has several times come out in vindication of HBS s [?] -nct [?] in the custom house and it seems to me it would be wiser to be quiet time I know nothing except what I see in the papers but I fear it will not be improved by investigation or by her articles Mary Dear Brother Thine of some days ago was received yesterday which renewed the feeling which had often presented itself that many days had passed without any written memoranda of the incidents which go to fill our daily life and which often absorbs so much of thought and time as to prevent the fulfillment of duties which can be deferred to some more convenient season but as I began to say thy letter has aroused me to make the attempt especially as [?] made a sacrifice to do so It is first day evening and as bed time has come and all save me have retired [?] I may not linger long have been alone without company but have been very dilligently at work making pantaloons This evening this afternoon has been given to doing for the Fair Joseph has read all combined I trust we have spent the time usefully Last week was the 2 wk [?] J and self went down on fourth day morning for the purpose of making some (C came 5 day and E sixth day) visits among others went to see Aunt Mary she was very glad to see us and seemed to enjoy our visit very much urged our staying longer but Lydia told us very soon that her mother could not see company but a little while and they had so much she expected they had as much as any family in the city [underlined] I thought her very nearly rude we staid a half hour or more Called at Claytons he was sick with gout [underlined] Catharine had gone out Then to Rowlands found Cornelia at home and as ever cordial and she urged our staying with them but after a very pleas -ant call went to Daniel Underhills but Leah had