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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (186-)
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William would listen and question me I speak of H Collins & all the rest in a very loving way and towards his family he is the kindest of Fathers -- I could see no marks of disapation [sic] his health is not robust but he earns with himself & boy (without other help in summer) he had a very clever young man for the few first trips so that we have a very quiet night the boat "tying up" at dark [?] on the Lake we were towed up and down by the steamboat I want the to tell JJ Chase all about the Colorado Scheme and if thee hears from thy pet Darling Miller thee will find Isaac not very hopeful of my success -- in fact my children are none of them in favor of my enterprise so as usual I have to act much alone as I have done my dear Amy all along these many years -- my girls have feard the "speech of people" more than I have and I now made the move to keep up my same work which has kept me alive for a long time of widow'd loneliness -- I hope on for my self and too for my children with love I will write my name Sarah [Sarah E Thayer]