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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (186-)

Revision as of Aug 28, 2023, 4:29:55 PM, created by

post 3d page Our dear little Phebe Chase is a fat healthy child now almost 7 months old and I am happy here with Abbie as E J Jacobs was very sick when I left thee the last of Nov. 1865 and only two days before the babe came to bless and cheer my poor mind. I know it was best for me to leave my rooms [?] for E and she was too ill to bear the care of me I was not strong then and her age being a very senior one terminating in the Typhoid Fever. She is still quite feeble but is gaining and the season of flowers will be a sure comfort to her. I am made comfortable here in the same place which they have occupied for 4 years and tho their trial of farming and the consequent injury to the house by being rented to Irish [?] tended to Abbie's discomfort and made her still more accept the necessity of a return here yet the association are homelike and we are now enjoying better air. The house has been cleansed somewhat and I see Abbie daily more recon- ciled to her lot though she had a strong desire to [?] air on the Farm but true to her womans nature she succumbs to circumstances tho her love of clean linens is marred yet she has found relief by the fact that a girl is not to be had and is doing her own work with her aged mother to assist her.