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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1864-03-06)

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his garment, yet we shall be notified of his success in his “line.” I hope you will have him in Rochester. I so wrote to WJ Nell[?] the first time I ever addressed him by letter and am afraid I should have added to the safer [illegible] the no. of the AS Office but as he was in the S[?].Office I did not think it necessary if thee should write to him please to say to him he has been truly kind in the Lib. to my address once I wrote that to him. We have been engaged in collecting old letters for the Freedom or rather for the women and children of the North[?] minister &[?] others were obtained by a messenger from Gen Green[?] so they appointed a committee and J.Jacob being thus authoris’d, overcame his constitutional differences and took his wife around to beg for him. She could tell the housekeeper what the [??] thing needed and they too collected a cart load while the rest of the committee at [illegible] packed 2 large Boxes and 6 barrels and sent them off-I see there is a move among the Orthodox Fed. – to furnish new goods made up. I hear that Emily Howland carried 6 Boxes with her to Washington. She is engaged in a school there but until it is good roads and pleasant weather I shall not go to see her Mother and read Emily’s letters. I have not been able to hear from Miller farm this way because my brother W[?] neither visits me nor invites me around [illegible] thy out of him was my pleas and to my feelings. I suppose you sometimes enjoy the company of thou husband’s friend. I mean such as one can enjoy the convergent liberty for those who all only willing to converse on the topics of reform in any shape. I only occasionally meet - and only 1 solitary family besides the Jacobs who are not dispos’d to converse much so that I go to see that one person about a mile off and she lent me LL Home’s[?] Book which I enjoy indeed.

Sarah E. Thayer

Transcribed by Rachel Wadsworth