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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1864-05-30)
Revision as of Sep 21, 2022, 3:28:27 PM, edited by
It is 3 miles from ^here to^ the Ferry here _ we would like to see you and if it should
seem pleasant to [Willie?] to stay with us a few weeks he would be sure of
a pleasant companion in Isaac Jacob_ now do think of the plan proposed my
dear Amy I will try to be unselfish
I will now resume after my long nap and dinner my appetite
is good but the digestion seems variable I am now enjoying [Germs?]
which are so simple and wholesome I want thee to try take good
graham flour sifted and stir with cold water about the consistance
of pound cake_so that it will dip nicely into small cake tins_place
in the oven wher break could be baked if the heat is just right top
and bottom the [gems?] will be light tender and of course sweet
[Dercas?] makes her bread in this way and she likes it better than yeast
bread [illegible] showd his Aunt & how to make them [HCollins?] has
got ready the breakfast all winter by the way they have the best of
corn meal_and [HC?] also makes the best of cakes of meal and water
they have no cow but say the live well [if?] [no?] the [whole?] I think they do
have much to encourage them [Dorcas?] says she has numerous agreable
acquaintances and as Margret [Prior?] has now settled near her she has a
mother & friend in her _ [ELG?] had a mind to make a purchase
there and did so but as they cannot sell this now she has concluded to
sell her lot at an advance_ So thee will observe my dear Amy that
it was to give her a chance to speculate a little that I help’d her to buy
I am glad of course I am that her husband is so cautious _ he would
like a change of climate but as there is no great urgency for him to
risqué the change I feel glad I think he feels too that his Mother
Susan is of an age to claim his care and will not readily break
up so I will [warned?] by my paper wind up with warm regards
for my friends _ including the family groups at each [illegible]
[Mind?] as [any?] Sarah E Thayer