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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1864-05-30)

Revision as of Dec 11, 2023, 4:34:40 PM, edited by

I have advis’d her to go with a horse for I know the rooms around the [MH?]
ought to be left for those who come on the [cars?] I think Willie will be much
better off in the country than to be confin’d to study I had a fear that
Union Springs atmosphere would be unfavorable as I know there is a
Miasma there and every year the old settlers are afflicted with Fever
I must say I am looking earnestly for the improvement in schools
in regard to Liberty of thought and action uniformity may do for some
but a large share of individuals do require liberty to act out their intentions
So do I enjoy the reading of “The Herald of Progress” (I cant write as I can
think and so I must not extend beyond my abilities) I have been readng
over the Magic Staff and to my great joy I perceive that I am now deci-
dedly capable of understanding his simple but wonderful powers (with the
help of his dear Mary) to carry out his work – and what is his work?
but part and parcel of the same devotion to intuition which I have so sweetly
enjoyed during the many years of intercourse with the heads of “Reform [Reface?]”
I am comforted anew by the recent reading of the plain unvarnished tale
because my own very limited but useful sphere has led me quite
out of the usual path and I have many times faltered because of my
want of strict attention – and a shrinking but I do now find that I must
be “glad all the time” (my dear Grandfathers maxim) that I have lived to
see and reliably to know that such as [L. Mon] have attained to a high
where her [sisters?] can [leap?] [us?] at bounce when they have like her been twice
Oh how I rejoice to see the many proofs of the forthcoming day of Liberty
Look at our Dear M Leasing – taking to herself a husband in her 37th year
(having refused her share of youthful admirers) for a Man our cousin to Reds-
ham Rathborne (and Phebe [illegible] flings out that he is just like him) so thee
may see which way thou [illegible] – Ann Leasing seems to be as well she
is [illegible] as Mary herself that in taking into her bosom 3 little girls beside the
father that Mary has done right for she answer’d Phebe that she would [illegible]