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Post, Willet E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

Revision as of Sep 18, 2022, 2:20:31 PM, edited by

ripping up one pare of my pants to mend the others and my old working coat, last night they took up a collect- ion at th sewing society I believe most of the rich ones gave five dolars I gave twenty five cents and thats more in propotion than they First day 1st mo 29th 1865 I arrived here to day from Jericho. Last second day Uncle Joseph Aunt Mary Kate and my self started went to Jericho they stoped at Cousin Mathews and I went to Uncle Willets he has a boy C? and his sister this Winter the boy goes to school, I spent the night with them and the next day went over though the cedars fill to Uncle Henerys,