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Titus, Esther. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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I do not see that I can get to Waterloo meeting my plans are so all changed _ the day I receved thy welcome letter _ I received 5 others all waiting a little while to find me among the number one from [?Francis or Franus?] wished me to give her love to thee she is very [? busy or buisy?] fixing some things for the fair she wants much to go to Chicago but Richard grows more and more poorly again Francis is one of the Noble free women _ I would send thee her letter, but I sent it Fanny she calls me so earnestly to go to her, that I thought Fanny Mother and all had better see her earnest wish, that might give me up, poor Mrs Fairchild, how will she get to NewYork without me, she is very poorly again, and must leave or die _ I wrote as soon as I got [?Francis's or Franus's letter?] which was yesterday _ [?Francis or Franus?] wants me to instead of going to NewYork to meet Rebecca, to write to her to meet me there; I opened a letter from Rebecca when I opened hers, saying that she had made up her mind to go to Battle creek that she was going to walk in without their knowing it < and I [?come or came?], as I am so far now on my way, it is a fine plan for me _ only that I dont know how to give up some cherished plans, so suddenly _ _ _ You got served quite a trick dident you in going to Washington hall, how [?came or come?] you not to understand _ people even here know about that Meeting and know who got it up, and think of it just as we do _ I am sorry [?Mr] Watsons faith should fail it is so pleasant to understand and believe _ I have my picture nearly done it looks to suit me I got me a light ladies cloth cloak _ very nice, I gave $5 less than was first asked, [?price?] was [?25?] _ and I got a few things in case I should go to Waterloo, but they will all come in place if I go on to Michigan without going home Rebecca tells me that Phebe Rushmore is in the industrial department I suppose teaching house work they are keeping house in a very splendid place _ that from the appearance of things had been hastily left, every thing remaining as the family had been using _ silver and all furniture _ I wonder if it is Robert Lees house Phebe made one remark that I felt sorry for and that was that they were hard to learn and very dishonest, I do not love to write the remark it was so unpleasant to me, but Phebe likes being there very much, she and a Lady went to Washington to see [?secrotary?] Seward on some business- they saw him in his sick room their request was granted something about a house