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Kingsbury, Elizabeth Annie. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

Revision as of Sep 1, 2021, 11:22:53 PM, created by

South Chili March 17/67-- My Dear Mrs Post, Did you really mean to have me take that paper bag of luncheon you left on the table? I caught it in a hurry that morning, but found it contained not only e nough for breakfast, but for a mid day meal upon a subsequent day, when no other repast was at hand. Would you like to know some thing of my experience the past week? It would please me to give it to you, but indeed the smoke from my host's pipe is so very thick and offensive, that I know not as I shall be able to sit here a mo- ment longer. But I wll endure it long enough to say that I did better than the week before. Have spoken four times.