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Daniels, Cora L V. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

Revision as of Apr 17, 2023, 10:33:37 AM, created by

Page 7 in a nice cool house just outside the city limits - The place is beautiful beyond description - on nearly all sides the Mississippi curves around us - & back of us a few miles is Lake Pont Chartrain. so we get the Breezes from all directions Dear, precious, baby is so ?? & so sweet, altho[sic] teething she gives me very little trouble & has already cut two little pearls. She says pa-pa & ma-ma- & hitches(underlined) all around the floor. I wish you could see her - How often we think of your quiet house & loving hearts & wish we could drop in upon you - & our husbands family too - ! What blessed people they are! We think of you the more??