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Willis, Sarah L Kirby Hallowell. Letter to Isaac Post.

Revision as of Sep 24, 2023, 4:10:08 PM, edited by

^to womens making themselves so publick but when the Lord calls to his work it should be done or something to that effect Mary [C?] told her that Lucy Stone and others thought they were doing the lords work just^

lady from Ohio who delighted the young folks with her unique way of singing her sermons. [She is?] real old fashioned, and interested me very much for a time, not only her song but she seemed so heartily in [?] and related some incidents We had Alice Walbridge one day to dinner and [missed?] the afternoon met- ing to visit with her, she seems well and bright and entertaining _ says her mother is pretty well for her though blind _ not that her sight is gone but the eye lids are so [? ??] eyes she cannot [use?] them even with her fingers as she did for some time Alice' new house is nearly done and they expect to move in next month First day and were expecting to go to hear Mr. [M?] but just before time to go Alice came in to see if we were going to Plymouth to hear S Smiley, so thinking