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Post, Willet E. Letter to Isaac Post.

Revision as of May 18, 2024, 10:55:34 AM, edited by

Page 2

of property a little near Allur St on the same st, large grounds large building on the basin, (the old eleva- tor, wher the water works pipe was made. Now used for, wood works of some kind) good Engine, B___ ___, the anual meeting I suppose will come off at our house fifth day, Mr. P___ has some splendid testimon- ails from eminent men . And one in particular quite long and very thorough from Proffessor Latimore, Wilnar also lectured in the City Hall sort of a test meeting nearly two hundred, gave 39 ___ 29 entirely satisfactory, Please Rember me to all the Friends and Relatives Willet