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Willis, MW. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Page 1 written by himself in scripture style at is fittingly done on the subject of the young people of Jericho. their acts, and sayings ____it is very near meeting time that there will not be time to run over my letter MWWillis
3rd day the 9th of 4 mo.
Dear sister,
Today had the pleasure of receiving thy
letter it was indeed a feast, and I have read it several times already. The Household darling is very appropriate, our little Lucre tia was a household darling indeed, and how very often the mind centers there to dwell. “But alas no more the joyous voice, shall soothe the ^pain^ thrilling I was at N. York at the time and for several days after thy letter was received visiting Edmund and Mary I think they will be more confined than Mary have been, you probably are aware that E. is about making a change in his business and in partner ship with Willet S. Robbins are preparing for a feed store near the East river, being there on first day I felt a choice in _____ street meeting particularly as I wished to go to Dr. Seamans after m.g. and Mary accompanying me found many people had assembled, after sitting a considerable time in solemn silence, George F. White, arose and addressed the assembly in a very feeling manner calculated to call the attention of the people to the light an spirit within man, explaining passages of scripture, towards the close he adverted to bible societies, abolition societies, thought they were prof. of God. Then spoke in most sympathetic language on the subject of Slavery and that the time would come when the servants of the most high would be required to leave all that was dear and pleasant to ____ go among them. _____ and that we should touch not taste not, nor handle not of the products of Slaves labor.
Left margin Pg. 1 William Moorland and Esther Seaman seem very familiar but E. sais she
carrying the milk pail this summer I wish thee could see ___ a chapter