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Wheeler, Edward. Letter to Isaac Post.
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Pg. 3 The world would not hesitate to swear that I was a ___ the demons that mainly control this world are bound that man shall get no farther than “doubtful” that throws the man in spite of himself into their hands. And there is but one way of avoiding this. Man is either a self possession or an obsession. He either ___ his own being entire, or bad spirits sew it for him. For mark, no good spirit dare for an instant assume a response. ____ not his own They dare not trifle with existences. Each in= dividual has his own responsibilities, and he may stave off assuming it, as long as he pleases, he must take it at some point of his existence, and begin to be himself. Loved ones are sure near us; But while we are, taken up with the ____ toys with which devils seek to amuse us, dear ones cannot get our attention. Cannot get us to realize ___ Judging through our own natures, it is difficult to make ourselves believe that there is such a terrible treachery going on. Our feel ings, however, will inform us with ___ ___ certainty. Man has always failed in not trusting himself. There is no being in the universe that can tell what suits me as well as I can. Why then should I abandon my own personal knowledge to take up with another: Who seems to have brass enough to attempt at least to lie me out, of my own. We have been educated to think it a wonderful thing to help the world. Some are ambitious to help God. I insist upon it that it is far better to help ourselves, and by our example teach others that they can do the same. And there are solid reasons for this. Who can help me, in all the exquisite suitabilities of my wants, so well as I can, who alone can comprehend these, No individual will ever fill his places in the grand scale of relations; until he can fill it with himself. There is a pleas= ure in meeting your wishes; but far greater in filling my own. This ___ I am not concerned___ creation all