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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow


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Heer the ABC is perfet, therfor you ^are^ to
observ the sens of the names of every letter
and thereupon, finde the [illegible] through
the row. Pro: 31.


The first of Jerimyes Lamentions or Jerimyes
Prognostication, is also a perfect row, but
turneth upside down that cours in Salomons
wide, by close [illegible] upon the letters Name
by a quite contrate meaning to shew Jerusalemes
overthrow, by opposition and privation.

Chap 1: [symbol] Aleph no husband A.
shee is but a desolate and
a servile widow. PS: 08.
Ch: 3: 7.

How dwells the city alone that was moste populous?
and is like a widow that was great among y[e] JS 46
Nations; and becom tributary, that was
a Prince among countryes?

         Both. No house, neibourles B.  
freendless, comfortless.