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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow


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(Page 10)

The Lord is like an Enimy and swalloweth
Israel hee swalloweth all her palaces, hee
destroyed all his strong holdes and hee bringeth
many cruell vexations in the daughter Judah.

         Vav. A hook or crook all pulld
in pieces and dishonored, hee dealeth
altogether contrary, like PS 79.

Hee hath pulld down his harbour, as of a
gardin, hee hath destroyed his synagogue
hee hath forgotten both Assembly and Sabbath
in Sion, and blas-phemeth in his angry indig-
nation, both king and Priest.

         Zain, to hear, all places of 
Audience bee destroyed, the enimy
is as loud in the Sanctuary as they
use to see on the Saboth day.
PS: 74.

The Lord hath rejected his altar and made
voyd his Sanctuary, and put into the handes
of the Enimye her palace walles and they
make a noyse in the hous of the Everlasting, as in
the time of Assembly.

         Heth to breake the very breaches
of the wall that is battered flat
down are lamentable to behold,
and ^after^ this laid to mourn.

(Page 11)

The Everlasting made account to destroy the wall
of the town of Sion, and hath streched out the
line and with [illegible] ^drawed^ not back his hand from swallow
ing and both trench and wall and mourn and are
weak together.

         Tet, thee declineth all lyes in the 
dirt, shee hath neither strength
nor policy nor counsel from God
left her w^hich^ a low estate and lamentable.
JS: 28.

Her gates are underground, hee hath de
stroyed and broken her barrs, her King and
her princes are among the Hethen without
Law, and her prophets finde no vision from
the Everlasting.

         Jod a hand ^guide & presence^ to east see how they
[illegible] and their cheeffe glory de-
jected and their changes and beclouded?
[symbol] and at their witts end, most lament
-able disthroned disheighted & discountance
-ed with sadness.

The Elders of the town of Sion sit down upon the
ground, and are still, and cast up dust upon their
^heads^ and put on sack cloth, and the virgins of Jerusalem
cast down their heades to the ground.

         Caph a fiend to contain hee holdeth
nothing, hee hath no contentment in him
the prophet weeps out his eyes, and spits
out his bowels for the breath and disbow-
eling of the city by [illegible] of their children[n].