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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow


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(Page 22)

But will greev and have mercy according to the
multitude of his favours.

For hee afflicteth not from his hart, and
greeveth the sonnes of man.

        Lamed lerning [illegible] and
Judgement, gods eyesight indureth no
the destruction of all that ber the
yoke of imprisonment. JS: 42. PS: 69
103 [symbol] servitude.
       hee abideth not the yoke of iniquity
and fals judgement. PS: 82. [symbol]
      Any wrongfull oppression hee permit-
teth root. [symbol] this they have a
gainst their Enimy.

To pund under his feet, all the prisoners +
the erth.
To decline amans right before the face
of the Highe.
To wrong a man in his caus, the Lord
will not see.

       Mem, waters the law, Gods word only 
stands for a few. PS: 33.
       Doth not all proceed from him
both better and wors. JS: 39.51.
       All sentience and punishment is only 
his and no man can right himself
for offenses. [symbol]. Lev: 19.

Who is hee that commandeth and it co[m]meth to
pass: yf the Lord com[m]andeth is not?

(Page 23)

Out of the mouth of the most Highe, goeth
not the evill bind the good?
What should any man living greev a man
for his sin?

        Nun an offspring. Repentance springs
out of Affliction, hee would have
them consider wher they erred, ther
they might return again into the
way of Godlyness.
       And confess their sinnes with all 
Humility ^their^ God:
        that bitter their tra[n]sgression which 
is unforgivable, was the caus of
all, and that their affliction
was the ^effect &^ offspring thereof.

Let us serch our wayes to the bottom and re-
turn to the Everlasting.
Let us lift up our hartes to our hands,
to the Almighty one that is in heaven.
Wee have rebelliously transgressed, and thou
hast not forgiven.

        Samek to bee put upon, indued 
or covered. PS: 85.184. thy fierceness
passeth without any consideration.
[symbols] PS: 84.
        Thou art most implacable and
Intractable, ther is no intreat-
ing of thee [symbols] PS: 32.85. ^and dislike^
bet being all overcast with indignation.
        Thou sweepest us all out among the 
heathen as to a dong hill.