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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow
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To bow: they bow them downe and
deflower them. they make havok of
all laws.
Vers: 11. They force the women in Zion, and the virgins
in the cittyes of Judah.
Lerning the principles of good lerning
are suspended, and all antiquity of
letters unregarded Deu: 28. they defye
all Judgement and care for no
Vers: 12. The Princes are hanged up by their handes,
and the presence of the Elders is not
Waters: or Doctrin: the choise
yong men that should make scholars
are all made drudges.
Vers: 13. They let the choise men to the mill and
the yong men are redy to fall [illegible] the wood.
Offspring: the cheeff offspring
of Lerning are the Judges and
flowrishing poets, with their
grave sentences and sweet
sonets. PS: 78. w^hich^ are all down.
Vers: 14. The Elders [illegible] from the gate and the
chois young men from their singing,
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A Stay or prop; the cheeff stay
of a man is the joy of hart th^at^
lifts him up and makes him daunce
as in time of Mariage and that is
lost, JS: 24. Can: 3. Ch 2 [symbol].
Vers: 15. The joy of our hart is quit gone, and
our daunce is turned to mourning.
A mouth, the word of God wher
by they wer the kinges of all
the world, PS: 24. that is taken
from them, the crown of them
rejoycing 1 Theff: 2. Phil: 4.
Cant: 3. for the Church of Sion
that they wer wedded to and
the bewtious citty that was the
joy of all the erth. PS: 48. ch.
2. [symbol].
Vers: 16. The crown of our head is fallen woe
now unto us for our sinnes.
An Eye: Sinnes make the hart
sick, which taketh away the
eyesight, and such an eyesight
and alteration makethththe
hart sick toHeradian and
Babilonian joys to keep
Vers: 17. For this our hart is sick and stood of fyre
for thes things prophets, our eyes be