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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1860-07-22)

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We find him a well bred young man and his company is quite an acquisition in our family as we have very few callers and little society here. Not one of my old friends has been to see me and I think I am getting weaned from all I used to prize in such respects I dont hear one word of the Y.M. at Waterloo have not been any where but 3 times since I came here in March except my journey with S. Van K and family. My health continues to improve and I am blest with cheerfulness generally -- [Ackn?] from [D E?} Collins she was much frustrated by the heat and did not write only a few hasty lines from [H? Ft?] Collins I doubt my going there this fall but I may to avoid our severe winter. I shall wait till quite late in the season -- Our dear [Lissy?] Jacob is still feeble and very much discouraged she needs some kind of help in the way of both physical and spiritual force I have not seen her and dont have faith that I would do her good. Mothers are not always the right ones to raise even their own children when a stranger can effect much -- so I have to leave alone many things which is used to try to do

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