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Titus, Esther. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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wax [?]- we do not care a bit for grandure, it is so sweet - our walls will be litterally covered with pictures. Mrs B. has painted them, oil paintings - thee must come - I will write when my carpets come - and tell thee, - tell Willie, that I have ground, in the back part of the yard where vegatables have been, I shall set out, 20, cabbages, and some tomattoes - I am going to view [?] them early mornings - I think more would be trouble to me, - and then I would have to have the grass dug up - tell him we have 5 great apple trees very full [underlined] of varieties plumb trees pretty full, peach trees pretty full quince trees full - } Mrs. B paints [phrase struck from text] we have currents, - black and red - cherries ripe one tree full - and the dearest little house - dont thee remember how much I have wanted vines - I have them now plenty - we pay 12 Shillings per week - 6 apiece - rents here are low -- Mrs B, has plenty of painting to do, I shall help her - will not, give one room up to any Lady many want to come, we shall be alone, - untill the vacation is over, then the scollars will return to school again we are near, and then I would love to take care of them, - Mrs Vansant [?] was mistaken in thinking they were waiting - but we do not mind, being by our selves, 5 or 6 weeks - I may take a little trip to Collins, I am only 20 miles from Buffilow - that is not far from Collins, I know the way - would not Phebe Varney be surprised to see me, - I am going to take a little trip with some friends to grand Island, in Niagra river we go up the canal [underlined] in a page break

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