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Titus, Esther. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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[chwick?] like a bird out of a cage - having out grown all the creed she was bound to once - she is young - perhaps [9?] I feel a great interest and satisfaction in talking with her for she has passed through the same dark [vales?] - the same ordeal of suffering to be free how delightful to be free without the - [illegible] [^zoho^?] are they ; that are - Some one wrote these words to [Theadore Parker?] "God draws a cloud over every [glaming morn?],
would you ask why,
It is because all noblest things are [borne?]
In agony.
only upon some cross of pain and woe
Gods son may Lie
Each foul redeemed from sin must know
Its [calvery?] --
O how thee would enjoy Mrs Kingmans talks, I wish thee was here ; one that has stood so bravely through so many tempest would rest so sweetly beside such a great rock --- thee speaks of [you Greum?] - I hope it nay be pleasant to thee - it will be ^if^ it can be carved through all harmoniously - what has become of - does she sail off - high

[Vertical Text] thee will excuse all
mistakes - I have no time
[losk?] it over