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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post (1869-09-15)
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Hector N.Y. Sep. 15th/69 Dear Amy Its a long time since I have had a line from thee - my thots frequently turn back to the pleasant hours we have spent together and I have often thought I would take the pen in hand to revive thee in my direction — but many ^&^ various have been the changes which have pass'd over my horizon since I clasped thy affectionate hand on board the Cars in Rochester. My own health has for month together prevented letter writing – then the habitual proneness to self abasement – or rather a fear of infringing on the time of my old friend whom I could not see face to face ^many were^ - the new ones whom I met in my sojourn in [N.G] besides the various interruption to which I was subject have used up now almost 3 years or more – alltho I have still the same loving heart and I think am more and more spiritualized and all the endearing ties of friendship are doubly dear