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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1870-02-01)

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Heelor Schuyler Co. Feb 1st/70 Dear Amy
Abby handed me her paper to add to
Sarah B. and I that I would direct the same
to thy care as we have not heard where they
are located for winter but suppose at Sophia's
I think of thee and thine very often and
as is the want of the aged I ran over and
over the same old tracks I have lately had
a letter from my grandson T W Collins who
has gone to Tenn taken a farm on the table
land ^of the Cumberland mountains^ 60 miles in circumference his farm
contains 200 acres (or more) and there is a
fine stream or river running thru his land
capable of being used for mill purposes &
my busy brain has been at work on a project
for Willy Post to go there and set up a saw
mill as he did at Colorado– There is good
timber there of all the different varieties his
cleared land is only 20 or 30 acres – he
finds the cattle can be sustained on the
wild grass and the hogs on the [illegible]

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