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Willets, Ann M. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Pg. 1

                                                           Jersey City Mar 5th 1873

My Dear Cousin Amy

                                               I received thy kind

and sympathetic letter a long time ago and intended answering it sooner, but it seemed as though I could not write my heart has been so crushed with the great changes that has taken place in our once happy family, In a little over a year we have had a birth two deaths and a marriage take place, all evenful periods in a family. I felt when my dear George was taken from us it was as much as I could bear but before time could heal the wound the terrible news of our dear Charley’s sudden death came and it did seem for a time that I would never recover from that terrible shock We have received several letters from his friends in _____ in regard to his death, he fell from a Tramway in descending a mountain and did not live but 30 minutes was uncon