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Willets, Ann M. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Pg. 4 drawing teacher in the ___ High School here at a salary of $30 a month, she teaches only one hour a week

    I wrote to Joseph Post so have him come

and see us we felt we would like to have his advise in our business and as we have also business together which I wanted to see him about and I shall ask in regard to it as he thought he would do

    We expect to remain just as we are for the

present and see how we can get along we shall try to keep our home it will be more comfortable for all, although perhaps we might live at less expense.

    I had hoped we could take up the mort-

gages that are on the place but in redeeming some land in Iowa that we had, I find the one Joseph holds I cannot take up which is $____ Joseph was very kind and told me not to worry about it We have had to put a good many repairs on the place the last year, and how we have done them and paid for them with ____ _____ our small income is almost a miracle