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Willets, Ann M. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Pg. 6 Is’nt thee coming down to see us this Spring there is not any one I want to see so much and no one I can open my heart to so freely and I am sure there is not any one that can sympathize with me as thee can
We have so recently gone through the same
trials . I talk of going to Scipio as it seems to be necessary in regards to our brothers Estate for the heirs to sig_n certain papers and also to dividing the furniture as they are going to break up the old homstead it is a sad time for all of us and particularly for sister Phebe as it throws her out of a home. she is expecting to come and stay awhile with us, it makes a great change for her and I fear it will affect her health
Now my dear cousin I hope thee will write
to me for thy letters are always a source of comfort to us and was particularly so to my dear George With much love and sympathy for thee I remain thy ever affectionate cousin
Ann M. Willets