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Rickley, Mabel. Letter to unknown recipient.

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10/6/2023 LM

Mt. Vernon, Ill November 29, 1915 Dear Mrs. Thomas,

I will write and thank you for the pretty necklace you sent me it goes good with all my dresses and one of my dresses is tan and it goes good it. It is trying hard to rain today but it cannot.

I wish you all could have been here Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Lyons was here allday and guess what we had to eat, we had goose, dont you wish you had come over now. I wish you could see Clyde he sits down on the floor and bumps till he has got to the coal bucket on the stove he loves to play with the cat.

And you would not know Elizabeth if you was to see her she has grown so she has got to take care of the