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Thayer, E. Letter to Isaac Post.

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My dear friend A private conveyance offering I take the pen to revive the ___ feeling which I have good reason to beleve is mutual I have also the ___ to inform of my sisters much improved health I see her daily improving I trust she will yet shine in her sphere of ____ my ___ also ___ an unusu al show of health tho fathers feet are somewhat troublesome his appetite good and every ___ way well cold water help his feet as formerly and he is peaceful and his company pleasant I often look towards the ___ scene and hope to be ___ to resign him - he reads all the reforms and takes a lively in interest even in the “Pasley Book,” for children ___ a few days since that “he likes to read and enjoy what was intended for thou he was soon to leave behind” I wish you could visit us your society is a great ___ none thou take your place they all have enough to do for themselves dont change me with reflecting with wrong feeling you certainly do know how to sympathyze and I believe it is because you daily and hourly keep ready for every opening__ how I ___ those wks are plodd- ing along without the real enjoyment of life because of this deficiency and yet ignorant of the why but I must not dwell on the dark side I hope I don’t but I long to be more in the world in the theatre of action and yet I know if I do all I find to do I shall secure peace at last yet I want to be a more “lovely angel” that since then may be I delight at the ___ we get weekly from “Stan and Herald”

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