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Willis, MW. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Page 2 thee enquired whether he had got liberty of quarter yet, the subject has not yet been __ before that meeting. it probably will be the ensuing meeting. suppose thee and Isaac should attend. I apprehend the con cern will be worth hearing. Edmund thought they would often go to that meeting he admired George so much. Richard Price wife and daughter from Philadelphia have been near three weeks in NY making their home at John Weeks, and attending _____ in the morning has her breakfast taken in her room, then, dresses herself for shopping, returns prepares for dining after which comes on the tea party at ten O’clock. another change of dress, and so on, occasion ing many remarks, her husband being so plain a man, and some of her home folks think she is very fond of Eastern ____ ____ . G.W. said to his wife “dear what would she think to be in Philadelphia 3 weeks if I should not go and see thee, she said I guess I should think I did not deserve thy company. And what did you think of ^ liberally to the orthodox and JJ Gurney. some of our NY a friends appear deeply tryed with us on the occasion Caroline said she had rather he had gone into any other m.g. house than Jericho where there had been such doctrines preached and she thought of his taking her grandfather’s place too. I remarked that his doctrines were not the less regarded I thought for Gurney’s being there but would have a contrary tendency. ____ however they all, ____, Dr. Lydia came out in opposition to alone me and I had to support it as well as I could They did not even allow their proposition of sight in the property and these we had even argum ent of some length, a short passage of scripture occurred to me which was supposed “the zeal of thine house, hath eaten thee up,” but do not

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