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Wheeler, Edward. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Pg. 3 or one that dollars and cents would purchase, fear intimidate, or flat= tery beguile, or corruption prosti= tute. And if any who have ___ lived, have found a ____ life than this would indicate, I shall find it too; for I am compro= mised by nothing, in the un= ____ universe. And am bound to thread its beauties, and find its holiest joys, at any cost, that lays its price before me. Nor will I ever take one step, pointed out by duty, or requirement. I live in the spontaneities of being, where the true soul does, because it pleases: For in true being, life is individualized, and all it’s responsibilities centre in the individual. No true soul, could bear to be loved, or even served because, another should feel under obligation to do either The very price of any such thing; would destroy its pe= culiar requirement, that con= stitutes its chief value. By claiming anything, we lose its worth. But when it comes to us, in the ___ ___ of its own fondness; we find the greatness of a soul, that can= not live by rules. My heart is very full, of the profoundness joy. And yet it comes to me unasked, and treats me with a fellow re= gard, neither stooping itself, nor presuming to elevate me: but find ing with me those hallowed in= terchanges that give to life its ____ zest. My heart feels at home just here, and I cannot, will not live away from this familiar hoeus