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Mott, Elizabeth. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Pg. 3 Now a word to Jefferies I think when thee be comes better acquainted with me thee will find me not asspiring after ^great ___ a large room, for I feel myself one off the little ones, any little place enough I felt sorry to unsettel thee and Sarah one mom for I don’t see but you are in the right place My brother David has given us an invitation to accompany him with others to attend the YMg of Phil we don’t feel like accepting supose Ed P can inform that we have had only a ___ from him, we have not seen the book you have kindly sent, but expect to call for it soon. father reads a great deel, he feels quite an interest for the book he works in the garden till weary, then takes his book, he reads__ __ his ___ no worse sometimes he thinks it better, the mullen leaf always gives present relief but don’t quite cure, x x Elizabeth Mott I tell her our neighbors respect her much yesterday first day, first William Ketcham call’d to his namesake then sister Esther and John + Rebekah to tea, also Sue who desires a bundance of love to the gals- she has good health lives in Samuel Underhills old kitchen a little seperate from the house-that they occupy as a work hous, they have got their new house furnish pertty plain an neat, William’s Willetes new addition is to be raised this week, Eliy and Miltilde are chaling and packen in the shrubery so I can’t hardly think we keep old Jenny yet she sends her love too thanks every is right of Sarah often___ off thee, Wilet plantin Corn Thomas Henderson + John Sprague his help John hired for six months Tomas by the day William + Anna bravely Ed rather gaining a little has re’d to Westbury once but suffers much with pain in his back and loins___ ___ James and Juda stay with them this year, I hope the shubery will live met it offten it has been a busy day we have washt cleand 2 calvs head had an escelent diner, made a good kettel of excelent soap without lime, but potash after we had __ house cleaning got it all in order, I sat me self down lookd around, and thought now if we could but have the dear Girles step in how great full it would feel, then I thought be content, I see no prospect of your having Brother and Sister Robbins to visit you very soon Willet contues much on his usual hurry They have got Letica and Thomas back a gain The Irish folks so that Sister has good help Mathew Harnik and Elizabeth Hicks seam to be very comfortabl in the new kitchen appartment the other not yet finisht Hanah exects to get her things soon, after a great show for fruit, ___ very high winds often, is it so with you I thing I nead not aske you to wright, for you are aware that we shall feel a particular interest to here soon. give my love to My name sake Mary Day, tell her I soon enquired of EPW wether she was their, and felt glad to find she was altho I have not seen her and now our loves to every branch of the family affectionately farewell Mary Kirby to P and SLW

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